Using WebDAV compatible applications

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Using WebDAV compatible applications

InfiniCLOUD is compatible with a wide range of third-party apps utilizing WebDAV protocol, which complies with RFC 2518.

We have a page on our website for third-party apps that we have verified to function with our service.


Mounting InfiniCLOUD as an external drive

It is possible to use InfiniCLOUD by directly mounting it as an external drive on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

However, it may not be able to utilize WebDAV protocol to its full potential as it only supports file transfers and is incompatible with file systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. Because of this, we strongly advise against using the server through these methods.

Please note that while it may be possible to transfer files, delete files, create directories, and a few other commands, it should be handled with caution. Data corruption may occur if handled improperly.

Other compatibility issues


Updated November 30, 2018

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