Utilizing InfiniCLOUD with WebDAV Applications

Top / How to use / Utilizing InfiniCLOUD with WebDAV Applications

Various WebDAV applications, in addition to file browsers found in browsers like Chrome and Safari, can be utilized with InfiniCLOUD.

It is simple to access data on InfiniCLOUD online for uses like file management, video, and music thanks to applications that link to cloud services.

Utilizing InfiniCLOUD with WebDAV Applications

Connect to InfiniCLOUD

InfiniCLOUD data can be accessed if it can establish a connection to the cloud service and WebDAV is a listed destination for the connection.

From the app, whether it be on your smartphone, tablet, or PC, you can access the images and documents uploaded to InfiniCLOUD whenever or wherever you like.

Direct connection options to InfiniCLOUD are available on a number of applications as well, making connecting a smooth process.


Activate Apps Connection.png

Login credentials

A general WebDAV connection application can connect to InfiniCLOUD with the following information.

This information is available on My Page.

Connection to external applications will be to be permitted by the user. This feature can be set in My Page. Learn more here.


Utilizing InfiniCLOUD with WebDAV Applications

Applications suited for your needs

There are a variety of suitable third-party programs available to meet your file needs. 

Learn how to use a range of applications specialized for uploading and backing up important files, including books, movies, pictures, videos, and other media.

No matter what your profession or goal, there is an adaptable program for everyone. Applications tailored to individual needs can benefit everyone, including professionals, students, and hobbyists.

List of applications confirmed to work with InfiniCLOUD.


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Works online, Windows, Mac, iOS and Android